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Life is Still Sweet: There's More in Store

Life is Still Sweet: There's More in Store
Hey, there. How you holdin’ up? Yeah, us, too. You’ve officially washed your one billionth dish, your dog is your self-appointed new shadow, and some of the so-called comforts of home are starting to grate on you. A lot. After weeks living and working side-by-side with her partner, blogger Maureen Boesen documented the discovery of her husband’s annoying habit that had somehow gone unnoticed throughout 10 years of marriage. Turns out: “Okay, fine! Fine. He was breathing.” But she also makes note of the amazing opportunity this has been to spend (an exorbitant amount of ) time together, learn more about each other, learn more about ourselves, and appreciate that in new ways, life is still sweet.   

1. A Change of Scenery


If you’re like most of us, you’ve been looking out the window at the same old, same old for weeks now. But before you start resenting the tree staring at you from across the street, take a minute to test drive another view from across the city, the country, or even the world. “View from my Window" is a public Facebook group where members post just that; sharing the scenery from their vantage point and allowing others to live vicariously through it. It’s basically a mini vacation for your eyes.

2. Embraceable You

Sometimes all you need is a hug from your mom. But when you’re a nurse working in the ICU, like Kelsey Kerr at Christ Hospital in Ohio, that’s not always possible. Her resourceful mama, Cheryl, had an idea and turned a fresh bed sheet into a protective shield so the two could finally embrace after what felt like ages. I’m not crying, you’re crying!

3. Some News is Good News



If you loved Jim Halpert’s little smirks to the camera on “The Office,"  you just might adore John Krasinski’s new gig on “Some Good News.” The positive-news-only web series sheds light on the good things in life from around the world. And there’s a lot! In the show’s third week Jim, I mean, John, highlights the amazing efforts, celebratory dances, and recovery stories coming out of hospitals. Oh yeah, and sports! To show his love for his hometown healthcare heroes at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, Massachusetts, Krasinski teamed up with Red Sox legend, David Ortiz to give a big “thank you" to the Covid unit. Home run!


4. Who Let the Dogs Out?

Apparently, the answer is Palm Beach County. At least for today. For the first time ever, all of the kennels in the Stray Housing and Adoption Overflow unit at the Palm Beach County Animal Care and Control were totally empty thanks to ramped up adoptions and fostering.

Read more here: CBS: South Florida Animal Shelter Empty For First Time Ever

5. All in a Day's Work (or not)


The children are home. And so are you. And while one mother has shared her color-coded daily schedule chock full of regimented and enriching activities, others are being a little more real. Maybe too real. Ample screen time, repeat viewings of Frozen II, some light bribery, and, of course, nonstop fighting dominate the day in these hilarious alternative agendas.


